Our residential property team is one of the largest in the Thames Valley and is focused on service, communication and the application of a common-sense approach to getting the job done with as little stress as possible for everyone involved. Our team is made up of a complementary mix of legal professionals, each bringing a unique set of skills and experience, and includes experienced Solicitors, Conveyancers, Legal Executives, Paralegals and support staff who all tailor their service to you, because no two property transactions are the same.

news & insights

Our insights into the law in plain English, so you know when it happens, what it means, and how it may affect you.

THP supports Henley Festival 9th year in a row

THP Solicitors have assisted Henley Festival with its commercial legal requirements for a number of years

THP Solictors Ltd

We have now transferred the business to a Limited Company and from 1 May 2024 will trade under the name THP Solicitors Ltd.

PODCAST: The Financial Aspects of Divorce or Dissolution

In our podcast we talk about the financial aspects of a divorce or the dissolution of a civil partnership.


Please contact us and we will be in touch to discuss your situation and see how we can help you.
You can change your mind at any time by emailing . We will always treat your personal details with the utmost care and in line with our Privacy Policy, which can be viewed here.